Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Assume the Position 201 with Mr. Wuhl

My man Robert Wuhl aka Arli$$ is back with an HBO special titled Assume the Position 201 w/ Mr. Wuhl. My husband and I stumbled across this as we channel surfed Sunday night. If my history classes were anything like this in college, my attendance record would've been awesome!!! Assume takes a truthful, although satirical, look at American history from past presidential elections to 'accidental' medical discoveries (Viagra) to household icons, Mr. Whul enlightens us Americans to something we already know: As Americans we are survivors and now matter what other curve balls get thrown our way, we'll ge through it!

I would've posted the Youtube clips, but they have been taken down due to some copyright issues. From what I understand, 101 aired a while back, and with them creating a 201, I can only hope that they HBO will keep this good thing going. Either way, HBO will run it again (just because that is what HBO does) so check it out! You won't be disappoined!

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