Hello All of Those Who Read My Blog! How are you on this dreary and wet Tuesday? I hope all is well.
Anywho, this is an article that a writing buddy of mine found and posted on TST (The Sweetest Taboo) to be discussed. This is an Asian man's perspective on us African Americans...
I really don't know what disturbs me more: the fact that there are people like Kenneth Eng who actually feel this way or that this is how we are still viewed in 2007. It's upsetting. The article would be laughable if it wasn't so upsetting. To say that it was our fault that we were enslaved for 400 years, that we didn't fight back sooner?
Dude, come on! America and the enslavement of Africans in this country, better known as chattel slavery, never happened anywhere else in the world, or through out history.
It was the Willie Lynch Letters were followed to the T. Africans were separated from their homeland, their language taken from them, their identity stripped away, any resemblence of their homeland was taken from them and then they were kept ignorant.
The brutality of chattel slavery has been unmatched in this world, especially considering the length of time that it had gone on. Should Mr. Eng ever do more than superficial research from reliable sources, he would find out that Black People are some of the most intelligent folk around. Without us he wouldn't know about science to be a science fiction author. Maybe he didn't get that memo.
Or Maybe he didn't get that memo about Madalyn Murray O'Hair, the woman who fought tooth and nail for prayer to be taken out of public schools. If Mr. Eng picked up a newspaper he would know that homegirl was not just killed, but chopped up. You can only go on for so long cursing God's name before he gets pissed. People always want to talk about the loving nature of God and him being merciful, but there is a Wrath of God too. And everything that you do has consequences (in the science world I believe that's known as Newton's Law of Motion *wink*) Look at what happened to Soddom and Gomorrah. I would really like to hear the scientific explanation for people being turned into pillars of salt.
Don't get it confused that you can talk trash about God like that is appropriate. It's not. Believing in him is a choice. I can't knock anybody's hustle should they choose not to believe in Jesus. Beating them over the head with scripture won't do anything except probably make them more resistant. If your swagger is different from mine, I can only respect that. However being disrespectful b/c my swagger is different from yours...That's not wassup. Saul found that out the hard way, being blinded on the road to Damascus. Madalyn Murray O'Hair found that out being chopped to pieces. God won't be mocked.
But I disgress. At the end of the day, Mr. Eng needs a hug. A big one. He is consumed by way too much hate. I wouldn't be surprised if he had ulsers in a few years. Something or someone offended/hurt him or someone he knew and he hasn't let it go.
On behalf of whoever hurt you, I apologize Mr. Eng. I hope you can find it in you to forgive yourself and let go of whatever is holding onto.
...and Ward Connerly had the AUDACITY to say that we have arrived in this country!