Thursday, August 02, 2007


My mind is filled with randomness this morning (possibly due to the headache I've had since I dropped my son off at the sitters, that hasn't gone away yet) so forgive me if this post is all over the place...

1. I watched SYTYCD last was horrible! I was so upset that I wasted precious DVR space for that. Literally autrocious! My pooh Danny didn't have the best night. He was partnered with Sara and the difference of him having beautiful technique and her not having any was blaringly obvious. The first number they did was an Argentine Tango, it looked like dance by numbers. Very, very...blah. I wasn't a fan.

Then they had a Shane Sparks Hip Hop routine. I should've run for the hills when they said Shane and Danny would be in the same room. I'm kinda glad that it was addressed that Shane didn't care for Danny. The whole change of heart thing, Shane saying that he is glad that he will be able to say that he had the opporutnity to work with a dancer such as Danny, seemed kind of phony, but whatever.

Long story short, this number was hideous! Danny is known for his fluidity on the floor. Shane's percussive movements weren't flattering. The antagonist she devil in me could probably go far enough and say that Shane was out to sabatoge my boy. If anyone noticed, he wasn't too broken up about his choreography getting trashy reviews (now with Hok and Jaimie, that was another story...) But that is the antagonistic she devil in me, not the regular, loving me.

Anyway, the piece was a disaster. The connection between Danny and Sara just wasn't there, the movements were poorly executed, overall it sucked...BIG TIME!! My favorite thing about the entire thing was when Judge Adam Shankman said there customes looked like they had been Punk'd by wardrobe! I. WAS. ROLLING.

I just hope my pooh can survive another week. If not, I won't be too broken up about it. He made it to the top ten and I will see him on tour! Please believe it!

2. If you are in need of a laugh...

This was a Smirnoff Iced Commercial. Instead of G-Unit, they are the Prep Unit and they are serious about New England. Check it out...

3. To the Ladies of TST...

I haven't forgetten about you. I am writing and trying to get a "Wounded" update to you guys as soon as possible. I want it to be just right, ya know....

That's it for this morning. I have procrastinated long enough, it is time for me to work and row with the other slaves.


1 comment:

Melissa said...

Danny is H-O-T-T!!!!! I wish he would've won, although I do like Sabra.