Wednesday, November 03, 2010

The Day of the Elections/Rant...

I am not surprised by the results of yesterday's midterm elections.  Republicans taking the house seemed  inevitable with the state of unrest the country has been in.  All a oerson has to do is go outside their door to feel the level of hopelessness that stirs in the air.  People want jobs.  People want money.  And they want it now!

Many blame President Obama for the Republican sweep.  Both parties have voiced displeasure with his presidency thus far.  He ran for president on the platform of change and yet many are not seeing it.  He made a promise and hasn't delivered on it in the time table many believed it should have been.

Do I blame our President? No.  I blame society and it's quick fix mentality.  I blame the media that has harped on his failures.  But that's not to say Obama hasn't made some missteps.

He has. 

The main one is ignoring Bill Clinton's motto for winning his 1993 and 1997 elections:  It's the ECONOMY, STUPID!

Bubba got away with murder.  Figuratively, of course...Oh wait, literally.  Anyone remember the Rwanda Genocide?

Probably not.  It's one of those gloss over moments that America doesn't like to talk about because we look like douche bags when we do.

There was no humanitarian effort made on the part of the US to stop the genocide even after the US was warned by a Hutu allies that it was going to happen.  All because it was happening in Africa and Lord knows we can't do anything to help Africans if it's not in our own interest.  In three months between 800,000 - 1,000,000 Tutsi's were murdered.  But it wasn't called genocide, but ACTS of genocide.  How many acts of genocide constitute genocide?  I don't know.

But I am getting away from myself...

If you look at the gaffes in Bill Clinton's presidency (and there were many, Lewinsky Scandal, the Gov't shutdown of '95 - although  not to angry with him about that b/c Newt  Gingrich was all kinds of out of place and in the end, suffered a political bitch slap)  people didn't really care too much one way or the other because their pockets were lined with money.  The economy was flowing.

People had jobs, they had money, and it kept them oblivious to whatever the hell was going on in the world.

President Obama really needs to take note. 

You can literally get away with murder if you keep money in people's pockets.  If he had, the American people would ignore the fact that change is NOT an instanteous process. 

It is slow.  At times painfully so.  Epseically when you are looking to implement change that is going to last.  Just look at how long since the the first presidential election in this country until now, for a person of color to occupy the Oval Office.  From 1789 until 2008.  That's 219 years. 

Not an overnight process.

And while change does start with one person it often takes others taking up a cause for it to be seen through to it's completion.  Obama seems to be doing it all by his lonesome.  Now that he has even less support in the house and Senate, the change will be even slower in happening. 

It's on to the 2012 elections from here.  If The President wants to stick around for another term he's going to have to do something; namely give people money to pacify them, like President Clinton did.  Following his example, he could murder a million folks and no one give a damn b/c they have money in their pockets.

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