Saturday, December 22, 2012

Holiday Spirit?

I don't know if it's just my household but we really haven't been in the cheery holiday spirit this year.  Sure, the kids are but the honey and I had the conversation the other day about how for some reason we just weren't feeling it.  I'm guessing it must be in the water b/c when I went to my mother's house last night she hadn't nary a decoration up.  No tree, no lights, no nothing.  Considering how diligent my mother was about Christmas in years past I found that kind of odd.  When I asked her, she said, "Yeah, I'm just not doing that this year." 

Granted, the world was supposed to end yesterday and that could have put a damper on some folks considering that wouold have totally cancelled Christmas but that wasn't exactly why the honey and I weren't feeling it. 

So I'm wondering if it's just us or is the Holiday Season feeling less holiday-ie for others?

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