Saturday, January 20, 2007

Wisdom Teeth

This past Wednesday I had my widsom teeth extracted from the right side of my mouth. Can I tell you how that was not the best time? As it turns out, my mouth is too small to accomadate, my wisdome teeth, so the doc said they gotta go. But glory be to God, because I prayed, and prayed hard, that the procedure would go well. I told Jesus that he is the master physican working on my mouth and that the doctor was just a vessel. Everything went off without a hitch. The bummer is that for the next week or two my diet will consist of oatmeal, applesauce, mashed potatoes, and extremely soft pasta. That is sooooooooo hurt to someone like me, because I LUH to eat! It makes ya happy baby! (Thanks for the saying Uncle D.)

Next month, I get to miss two days of work and have the other side done. Just imgaine me over here doing cartwheels at the thought of that. (if you didn't catch it, that statement was LOADED with sarcasm)

The most annoying this about the whole process though, is the amount of pills I have to take. The doctor's prescribed me Vicodin, for the pain, and Amoxicillin to prevent infection. You should've seen the release form they had me sign before the procedure. It was crazy! Basically if my mouth rotted off, the Doc couldn't be held responsible b/c I was opting to have the surgery. I would've laughed had I not been in so much pain. But like I said to God be the Glory because it all worked out. Amen? Amen!

I am actually feeling kind of inspired at the moment so I am going to go write, while the house is still quiet (my poohs haven't woken up yet!)



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