Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Labor Day Parade '07

Okay, so this is a random note but I felt the need to include this picture of the two most important men in my life. Aren't they the cutest?!

Back to the the topic at hand...


This year was the first time that I had ever gone to the Labor Day Parade on Eastern Parkway. With my husband and son reppin' my honey's native land of Jamaica and me reppin' the US Virgin Islands (Shout out to the Woodlyns from St. Thomas!) I must say, it was the experience of a lifetime!

The ten block walk from our house to Eastern Parkway was filled with vibrant colors of Carribean flags being worn proud by their respective nationalities; the smells of jerk chicken and roasted corn filled the air as homegrown vendors setup make shift kiosks to sell their goods. While I didn't partake of the cooked goods, I did manage to come across (and immediately purchased) raw sugar cane! Can I tell you had good that was?!

Anywho, once we got to The Parkway, trucks and dancers made celebrated their country through dance and song in what could be called the largest block party ever. Although police tried to keep security tight, many bystanders somehow joined the parade's participants and marched proudly waving their country's flag.

All in all, I loved it! And here are a few pics of my first Labor/Eastern Parkway experience...

Zahir taking in the sites on his dad's shoulders!

These stilt walkers were FIYAH!! They up'ed the crowds hype level...Especially when a few of them started winein'(sp?)

Friday, August 10, 2007

R.I.P Grandma

Today marks the two year anniversary of my grandmother, Charlotte May Thacker, passing away.

I am handling it a lot better this year than I did last year. This time last year I was a walking disaster. I broke down in the middle of work, my co-workers looking at me as if I were crazy. I missed her so much!

I still do, but with all that she has imparted into me, she is never far away. My only regret is that she hadn't met her first great grandson. I think they would have thoroughly enjoyed one another.

To a phenomenal woman, phenomenally! I love you Grandma! You are loved and sorely missed!

Thursday, August 02, 2007


My mind is filled with randomness this morning (possibly due to the headache I've had since I dropped my son off at the sitters, that hasn't gone away yet) so forgive me if this post is all over the place...

1. I watched SYTYCD last night...it was horrible! I was so upset that I wasted precious DVR space for that. Literally autrocious! My pooh Danny didn't have the best night. He was partnered with Sara and the difference of him having beautiful technique and her not having any was blaringly obvious. The first number they did was an Argentine Tango, it looked like dance by numbers. Very, very...blah. I wasn't a fan.

Then they had a Shane Sparks Hip Hop routine. I should've run for the hills when they said Shane and Danny would be in the same room. I'm kinda glad that it was addressed that Shane didn't care for Danny. The whole change of heart thing, Shane saying that he is glad that he will be able to say that he had the opporutnity to work with a dancer such as Danny, seemed kind of phony, but whatever.

Long story short, this number was hideous! Danny is known for his fluidity on the floor. Shane's percussive movements weren't flattering. The antagonist she devil in me could probably go far enough and say that Shane was out to sabatoge my boy. If anyone noticed, he wasn't too broken up about his choreography getting trashy reviews (now with Hok and Jaimie, that was another story...) But that is the antagonistic she devil in me, not the regular, loving me.

Anyway, the piece was a disaster. The connection between Danny and Sara just wasn't there, the movements were poorly executed, overall it sucked...BIG TIME!! My favorite thing about the entire thing was when Judge Adam Shankman said there customes looked like they had been Punk'd by wardrobe! I. WAS. ROLLING.

I just hope my pooh can survive another week. If not, I won't be too broken up about it. He made it to the top ten and I will see him on tour! Please believe it!

2. If you are in need of a laugh...

This was a Smirnoff Iced Commercial. Instead of G-Unit, they are the Prep Unit and they are serious about New England. Check it out...

3. To the Ladies of TST...

I haven't forgetten about you. I am writing and trying to get a "Wounded" update to you guys as soon as possible. I want it to be just right, ya know....

That's it for this morning. I have procrastinated long enough, it is time for me to work and row with the other slaves.


Tuesday, July 31, 2007


For those who don't know I am a true fan of the FOX television show 'So You Think You Can Dance'. For the summer months, every Wednesday at 8pm and Thursday at 9pm, my DVR is programmed to record this dance phenomenon(I don't do commercials too well, so recording the show allows me to watch it later with the wonderful ability to fast forward through all of those pesky advertisments)

Last Year, Donyelle, was a fave of mine. While she began to annoy me with the pointy fingers thing that she seemed to do in all her solos (especially after she broke her toe), her audition piece was off the chain. Sister-gurl was FIERCE!!!

And to think, she is considered a 'big girl' in the dance world...

Anywho, this year my favorite dancer is Danny Tidwell.

Is it me or does he kinda look like Bruce Leroy from Berry Gordy's The Last Dragon.

(okay, okay, I'll Stop!)

Danny is magnificent, he is majestic, and carries his training and discipline both on and off the dance floor. He's beyond fabulous. What choreographers (like Shane Sparks, who I have lost all love for) deem as arrogance, is just carriage and prescence. Shane has never stepped foot in a dance class, never had any formal training period, so his critique of Danny completely rubbed me the wrong way. I wanted to yell at the screen for homeboy to by a freakin' clue.

Shane is not the only one to throw shade Danny's way either. There many voices that try to defame Danny and all he has worked for in achieving his level of techinical excellence. Then there are those of us, who cheer when Mr. Tidwell moves across the dance floor.

Shane's comment of the judges and choreographers going to regret letting Danny into the top 20 was proven wrong. Six weeks and twelve dancers later, my pooh is still there doing the damn thing! And was given the ultimate compliment by Mia (who was once a nay-sayer) that Danny has the potential to go down in the books of history in dance. HOW AWESOME IS THAT?!?!?!

Last week he was showcased in Mia Michael's group piece, danced to Imogen Heap's The Moment I Said It (a.k.a my new favorite song...)

In the end, whether or not Danny wins this competition, I see a very bright future ahead of him in the world of dance!

Rock on Baby Boy! I, and countless others are routing for you!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Assume the Position 201 with Mr. Wuhl

My man Robert Wuhl aka Arli$$ is back with an HBO special titled Assume the Position 201 w/ Mr. Wuhl. My husband and I stumbled across this as we channel surfed Sunday night. If my history classes were anything like this in college, my attendance record would've been awesome!!! Assume takes a truthful, although satirical, look at American history from past presidential elections to 'accidental' medical discoveries (Viagra) to household icons, Mr. Whul enlightens us Americans to something we already know: As Americans we are survivors and now matter what other curve balls get thrown our way, we'll ge through it!

I would've posted the Youtube clips, but they have been taken down due to some copyright issues. From what I understand, 101 aired a while back, and with them creating a 201, I can only hope that they HBO will keep this good thing going. Either way, HBO will run it again (just because that is what HBO does) so check it out! You won't be disappoined!

Monday, May 28, 2007

My Memorial Day Weekend

For those who don't know, this year will mark the final year of Coney Island's Astroland Park. After the summer season, the park is being closed down and from the word on the street (a ticket guy at the Pirate Ship ride), is being replaced by a casino/resort...something like Mohegan Sun.

The reason: the previous owners of the property sold it.

My family and I showed our Memorial Day spirit and ventured out to Coney Island yesterday. We had fun! We went on the Scrambler, Pirate Ship, the Bumper Cars (in which this white man had it out for me!), and walked on the boardwalk. My aunt and cousin rode the Cyclone, which can't be torn down since it is a national landmark, but without Astroland, I really don't see the purpose, ya know?. I hadn't been to Coney Island in at least 10 years so yesterday was a real treat.

I will be back out there before the summer is over! It is a shame that the new owners don't realize what I treasure Astroland Park truly is. But like everything in this world, change is the only constant.


Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Could it be?

What ever happened to 702?

I was on TST board browsing the music section when the question was posed why weren't there any fics about artists other than Justin Timberfake (sorry, I am having a love/hate relationship with him at the moment) and Beyonce (another person I am loving and hating at the same time, but anyway...). So I thought to myself and I said, "Self, why don't you write a music fic?"

Now I know I shouldn't start another damn piece of fiction. As it is, I have 1,2...carry the 4...7, that's right seven stories that are (you guessed it!) unfinished. But the ideas have already started forming in my head to the point where I woke up last night and just had to write. So I did, and I have a tidbit, a beginning of a story between these two music stars, Irish Grinstead of 702 and Benji Madden of Good Charlotte.

I know they are an unlikely couple, I mean seriously, look at them! But with them both being twins and both being in the music biz (well at least Irish was, I can't vouch for sister-girl now, which led to the aformentioned question of whatever happened to 702, but I digress...) I figured, why not?
Maybe no one will read my story, or maybe those who will read it won't like it, and then maybe there will be those who will read and love the fic. I don't know. But their story has begun unfolding in my mind, I figured I'd share it with some and see what they say...

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Beyonce's Upgrade U Video

I really haven't been a Beyonce fan for a few months. I just felt she was doing too much, and then when Jennifer Hudson out shined her in DreamGirls (I'm still going to need someone to explain to me exactly why Beyonce was nominated as Best Lead Actress of anything, but that is another topic for another time), not for nothing, I did think Bey's feelings were hurt and there might have even been some jealousy towards J Hud b/c the spotlight was no longer on her. Then there were the publicized money issues with her dancers, and the rumors of her album, B-Day, coming out ahead of schedule to upstage Letoya Luckett (has anyone seen or heard anything from her lately?)

For me it just to a point where I just wanted Bey to have a seat. Just... sit down somewhere! And to an extent, I still do, but after I saw her new video, Upgrade U, I have to say that I am back on the Bey bandwagon.

This video is hot! So without further ado, here is Beyonce's Upgrade U!

Ya'll thought Jay wasn't in it, huh? She was playing with my emotions on that too! LOL! I guess this will stop some of the wagging tongues that say they are no longer together!

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Hello All of Those Who Read My Blog! How are you on this dreary and wet Tuesday? I hope all is well.

Anywho, this is an article that a writing buddy of mine found and posted on TST (The Sweetest Taboo) to be discussed. This is an Asian man's perspective on us African Americans...
I really don't know what disturbs me more: the fact that there are people like Kenneth Eng who actually feel this way or that this is how we are still viewed in 2007. It's upsetting. The article would be laughable if it wasn't so upsetting. To say that it was our fault that we were enslaved for 400 years, that we didn't fight back sooner?
Dude, come on! America and the enslavement of Africans in this country, better known as chattel slavery, never happened anywhere else in the world, or through out history.
It was the Willie Lynch Letters were followed to the T. Africans were separated from their homeland, their language taken from them, their identity stripped away, any resemblence of their homeland was taken from them and then they were kept ignorant.
The brutality of chattel slavery has been unmatched in this world, especially considering the length of time that it had gone on. Should Mr. Eng ever do more than superficial research from reliable sources, he would find out that Black People are some of the most intelligent folk around. Without us he wouldn't know about science to be a science fiction author. Maybe he didn't get that memo.
Or Maybe he didn't get that memo about Madalyn Murray O'Hair, the woman who fought tooth and nail for prayer to be taken out of public schools. If Mr. Eng picked up a newspaper he would know that homegirl was not just killed, but chopped up. You can only go on for so long cursing God's name before he gets pissed. People always want to talk about the loving nature of God and him being merciful, but there is a Wrath of God too. And everything that you do has consequences (in the science world I believe that's known as Newton's Law of Motion *wink*) Look at what happened to Soddom and Gomorrah. I would really like to hear the scientific explanation for people being turned into pillars of salt.
Don't get it confused that you can talk trash about God like that is appropriate. It's not. Believing in him is a choice. I can't knock anybody's hustle should they choose not to believe in Jesus. Beating them over the head with scripture won't do anything except probably make them more resistant. If your swagger is different from mine, I can only respect that. However being disrespectful b/c my swagger is different from yours...That's not wassup. Saul found that out the hard way, being blinded on the road to Damascus. Madalyn Murray O'Hair found that out being chopped to pieces. God won't be mocked.
But I disgress. At the end of the day, Mr. Eng needs a hug. A big one. He is consumed by way too much hate. I wouldn't be surprised if he had ulsers in a few years. Something or someone offended/hurt him or someone he knew and he hasn't let it go.
On behalf of whoever hurt you, I apologize Mr. Eng. I hope you can find it in you to forgive yourself and let go of whatever is holding onto.
...and Ward Connerly had the AUDACITY to say that we have arrived in this country!

Friday, February 09, 2007


Well first and foremost, I would like to say Happy Black History Month to all my African Americans. Here in this lovely country we do adhere to the 'one drop' rule, which means if you are light, bright, and dag on near white (such as myself) but have a drop of African American blood running through your veins, then you are an African American. (Sorry to bust the bubble of all of those hopefuls living in denial about your ancestry. Whether you can pass for white or not, at the end of the day, you are still one of us.)

But I must say I am not a person who feels Black History should or could be celebrated in just one month. Every month for me and my family is Black History Month. American History is Black History whether or not society wants to acknowledge it. Being in a country for 400 years, its kind of hard not to become ingrained in its fabric, ya know?

Anywho, I had the privilege of watching 'Waiting to Exhale' last night, again...for the millionth time. While it isn't my favorite movie (that spot is securely held by G.I. Jane) but there are parts of the movie that I simply adore. At the top of that list, Bernadine.

"Get yo' SH*T and GET OUT!"

I ABSOLUTELY LOVED WHEN SHE BURNED ALL HER HUSBAND's STUFF! See what happens when you push a black woman to far? Your feelings end up getting hurt. Bad.
Hopefully men of all races will take heed to this should they ever marry a black woman. Every woman, has a bit of Bernadine in them. I know I do. She is named 'Simone' and we don't like for her to come out. Even I get nervous when she makes an appearance b/c Simone is not the most rational individual. It is through much prayer that she doesn't come out often. Thank You Lord!

I found this video on YouTube. It's Bernadine losing her mind to Beyonce's 'Ring the Alarm'. This is hot! So here it is ladies: A tribute to all women who have a bit of Bernadine in them, and what happens when you push us too far.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

The Evolution of Robin Thicke

I have known about Robin Thicke since his debut single When I Get You Alone in 2002. After not really hearing him in the main stream, I kind of forgot about him...until recently. My husband (thank you baby!) told me about the new Thicke video 'Lost w/o U' featuring his wife (yes, he's married and has been with her for 12 years) Paula Patton (her resume includes the movies Idlewild and Deja Vu with Denzel Washington. Apparently Robin has a bit of a brown sugar craving, if you know what I mean ;)) I looked the video up on YouTube, and once I saw it, I was hooked! I bought his new album, The Evolution of Robin Thicke, the very next day and I have to tell you, this joint is off the chain! From beginning to end, I listened to every song and didn't feel compelled to forward on to the next track. How many CD's can we say that about? It's soulful, it's sexy, it's incredible! I loved it!

Lost w/o U is one of my favorite tracks, but so is All Night Long, Ask Myself, I Need Love, Shooter , Got 2 Be Down and (Lawd forgive the man for naming this track this) Cocaine. But so are track Complicated, Everything I Can't Have, Wanna Love You Girl, and Can You Believe. Dammit, the whole album is hot! All 16 tracks! So, if you are a major R&B buff like I am, I go buy it the album! You won't be disappointed!

Here is the Lost Without U video

P.S. Here is another bit of randomness for the week... I'm a normal girl

You Are a Normal Girl

You are 40% Good and 60% Bad

Sure you've pulled some bad girl stunts in your past.

But these days, you're (mostly) a good girl.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Back to 'Stomp The Yard'

Your Aura is Violet

Idealistic and thoughtful, you have the mind and ideas to change the world.
And you have the charisma of a great leader, even if you don't always use it!

The purpose of your life: saying truths that other people dare not say

Famous purples include: Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., Susan B. Anthony

Careers for you to try: Political Activist, Inventor, Life Coach
That was a bit of randomness for you this morning. I was on the site On The Other Side, and someone posted the link to check it out. As you can see, I am Violet. What exactly does that mean? I have no clue, but considering purple is my favorite color, that can only be a good thing, right?
Well, last night, my cousin saw Stomp the Yard, and she agreed with me that the movie was actually pretty good; not as hookey as one would've expected.
But the real story of interest took place after the movie when she and her husband, David, went to the restroom. Apparently, a group of Caucasians who had just seen the movie felt the need to comment on it. And again this is heresay, but her statement went something like this:
I don't think that that is how real stepping is. Isn't it Irish anyway?
I know! I know! She came all types of incorrect out of her face! Irish? C'mon dude, pick up a history book, or better yet turn on a PBS Special. It seems that we are going to have to have a little history lesson:
Stepping originated in Africa. It was called the Boot Dance, and was done by miners in South Africa. The reason it is called the Boot Dance is because the miners all wore Wellington Gum Boots while working. The Boot Dance also served as a venue of entertainment and competition between the miners to keep their spirits up through long and back-breaking days below ground. It then became a mode of communication between the miners while in the mines.
Here is a link that provides you with a little more information and below is a YouTube clip of The Boot dance done by South African Children.

That looks like stepping to me, but hey I do where glasses.

As someone who has studied dance for years (and years, and years) I have actually done a boot dance or two in my life. Before any of the dances were taught we were got a history lesson on the significance of the dance. In Stomp the Yard, when they were stepping, they made it a point to actually show you the boots that they were stepping in. No, it was the Wellington Gum Boot, but it was the evolution of what the step boot has become here in America.

Nowhere, no way, did the Irish orginate stepping. Sorry boo! Nice try, though. Better luck next time.

Furthermore, why were there a group of white people going to see Stomp the Yard anyway? Expecially if you don't know the history behind black sororites, fraternities, and what the act of stepping actually means? The target audience of the movie was the Black Community. It seems the movies purpose was completely lost on them. What a waste.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

My Fantasy is Over...

I know it' s random that I post twice in one day, but I have to get this off of my chest.

Yesterday I saw the movie, Stomp the Yard, starring actor Columbus Short. (Isn't he so dreamy?) Anywho, I told my husband that I went to see the movie, and after idle chit-chat and comparing the movie to Drumline as well as other Black, teen, coming of age movies, my husband dropped a bomb on me. My dreamboat was a dog. Apparently Mr. Short used to be hot and heavy with Britney Spears. Yes, that same exact Britney who looks like she needs to get a rabies shot and take a shower with a bottle of bleach after marrying and having sex with K-Fed. (Is it me, or does he looks like he smells?) What makes the situation go from sad to absolutely tragic is that he was married at the time and his wife was pregnant with their first child. In an article I found online Columbus is quoted as saying:

"It’s true I slept with Britney, [but] we never had sex because another person was in the room at the time. We shared a bed and were really close, kissing, and hugging. The chemistry was magical…our feelings were so strong...It would be fair to say Britney caused major problems in our marriage. Sadly, we’re now getting divorced"

Britney cause problems in his marriage? Is he serious? Dude! Like, Man up! Do some push ups or something! I promise, I was crushed by this news. Utterly hurt and devastated. I mean I have had a thing for this man since Save the Last Dance 2 (Okay, so I know I am like the only person that watched it, but so what? When he did that thing with the microphone and made a beat to a song from her heartbeat, I was done! I know Prince did it first with his then wife's baby sonogram but so what! He was Hella HOT!) And to find that out that he is shifty and down right tasteless (you gotta be to date Britney after K-Fed. He just looks like he needs to be hit over the head with a bar of soap...repeatedly) My fantasy is so over :(
BTW: Are we not noticing a pattern with Britney and men with pregnant girlfriends/wives? No? Just thought I would put it out there...

Wisdom Teeth

This past Wednesday I had my widsom teeth extracted from the right side of my mouth. Can I tell you how that was not the best time? As it turns out, my mouth is too small to accomadate, my wisdome teeth, so the doc said they gotta go. But glory be to God, because I prayed, and prayed hard, that the procedure would go well. I told Jesus that he is the master physican working on my mouth and that the doctor was just a vessel. Everything went off without a hitch. The bummer is that for the next week or two my diet will consist of oatmeal, applesauce, mashed potatoes, and extremely soft pasta. That is sooooooooo hurt to someone like me, because I LUH to eat! It makes ya happy baby! (Thanks for the saying Uncle D.)

Next month, I get to miss two days of work and have the other side done. Just imgaine me over here doing cartwheels at the thought of that. (if you didn't catch it, that statement was LOADED with sarcasm)

The most annoying this about the whole process though, is the amount of pills I have to take. The doctor's prescribed me Vicodin, for the pain, and Amoxicillin to prevent infection. You should've seen the release form they had me sign before the procedure. It was crazy! Basically if my mouth rotted off, the Doc couldn't be held responsible b/c I was opting to have the surgery. I would've laughed had I not been in so much pain. But like I said to God be the Glory because it all worked out. Amen? Amen!

I am actually feeling kind of inspired at the moment so I am going to go write, while the house is still quiet (my poohs haven't woken up yet!)



Sunday, January 14, 2007

Happy New Year

Okay, so I KNOW that this post is about 13 days too late to be spouting cheery greetings of a Happy New Year, but so what. It's my world, everyone else is a squirrel just trying to get a nut, ya dig!


I also want to give a major shout out to my girl Sav, who is in the process of getting her writing published. Being Plumville will be out in April/May of this year! Manna Tree (I will give myself a small pat on the back for helping her come up with the title!) she just finished and Reconstructing Jada Channing are being shopped around. Y'all I am telling you, her writing is phenonmenal! Seriously! She thought I was joking when I said it was like good fried chicken: you always want more! Check out her Blog site

I just hope that when she is on Oprah's Book Club, she remembers the little people ;)

As for me, the new year has ushered in a new set of priorities. For the time being school is being put on the back burner. I will go back, but for now I have to take care of my family, (mi hijo y espouso)! Maintaining a family is hard work! Juggling work, school, motherhood and being a wife...dude, stress was my first middle and last name. Not the best time when you have a 16 month old. My husband and son deserve more from me than that. But that is my 'cross to bear'. Everybody has to do what it right for them, and at this time, this is right for me.